It seems our friends at has put a great comparison between the long waited iPhone 4S & Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE on Rogers Network in Canada. They have been one of the earliest teams world wide to put their hands on these precious smart phones as they have not been released on most places world wide beside in Canada on Rogers. This team of Android fans have succeeded to put their hand on multiple of these devices and created a very detailed comparison between the two devices. You can find the comparison at: Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE vsĀ Apple iPhone 4S. Well, as mentioned earlier they are Android fans so the comparison might be a bit toward Android, but it did not look far from the truth at all when we went through it.

As their team did not have a blog or forum where other users leave their interactions, opinion, comments, they asked us if we can host that on our blogs for them where they can reply to it. For that we have put this post where you can put your comments in the commenting area & where the AndroidApps4u team will be answering your questions or reply to your comments. Hope you all enjoy it & contribute.
Thanks ! this was exactly the information I needed to have so I could make a proper decision. That video at the end where they distroy the phone finished off my decision, Hardly a scratch ! and like the reviewer, I am the same, I drop my phone at least once a week. So samsung galaxy s2 is for me !
Hi Ralph,
Go for it by all mean. That what I got about 1 month back as soon the LTE was released on Rogers and I can not complain. I can say even my friend who got the 4S look at it and wondering if they had made the wrong choice and one has already exchanged his 4S for the Galaxy S2 LTE :). Further, for people who is not following Android closely the Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE is a head turner and people will always ask you what phone is that which can start a good conversation.
i prefer i phone
Awesome article, I was considering going for a new phone on Rogers and had narrowed it down to these two, now I know I’ll definitely be going for the S2 LTE.
Thanks a ton for writing this review!
I just got the samsung s2 lte on the rogers network, it has many great features. I did find out the hard way however that the one very important feature that it does not support is initiating a voice call through a bluetooth device. it can receive a call ok.
I currently have an iphone and one thing that i use most is itunes. I love how it will automatically sync my playlists, songs, etc. directly from without any work. I’m quite positive I want to make the switch over to the samsung galaxy but not having itunes compatibility is of concern. Any comments?
Lol, I can not make a real comment as I am one of the people who hated the auto-sync in itunes as each time I connect to a new laptop there is a chance to wipe all my songs and have to start a new profile. Any way there is many other applications that simulate the way itunes work for Android. This should not be a concern.
ITComparison Team Member