It seems our friends at has put a great comparison between the long waited Motorola Droid RAZR vs Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE on Rogers Network in Canada. They have been one of the earliest teams world wide to put their hands on these precious Android phones as they have not been released on most places world wide beside in Canada on Rogers. This team of Android fans have succeeded to put their hand on multiple of these devices and created a very detailed comparison between the two devices. You can find the comparison at: Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE vs Motorola RAZR.
As their team did not have a blog or forum where other users leave their interactions, opinion, comments, they asked us if we can host that on our blogs for them where they can reply to it. For that we have put this post where you can put your comments in the commenting area & where the AndroidApps4u team will be answering your questions or reply to your comments. Hope you all enjoy it & contribute. In return they have given us the right to show their exclusive original screen shots:

Another great side by side image

Well great phones go and read the comparison at: Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE vs Motorola RAZR and leave your comments below and get interactive with the Android Apps 4 U team!!!
I agree with the article from Rogers Razr vs Galaxy S2 LTE, I got my Rarz yesterday from Rogers in Gatineau, charged it up last night. Today, looked at all the setting, I did some customizing, sent 3 text, talks 8 min, surfs for about 20 min, listen to 1.5 hours of an audio book. Most of this was on the bus ride to work, did not use it very much during the day, hardly made it back home, battery was almost finished. I was very disappointed, unlike the article, I favoured the Razr. The Motocast, HDMI port which works with Webtop on the HD Station, remote control, this has very nice accessories.
Until I had heard about the Razr, it was Galaxy S2 LTE all the way. I may change for the Samsung anyway, I need more information on the battery life. Thanks for the article, it was very helpful and yes, I am watching my 30 min.
Make a YouTube video please 🙂
hey nyce blog..
I too want to share something, pls check this, samsung galaxy s3 is about to release:
Completely agree with the review, will be returning my razr back to Rogers tomorrow. The only “other” problem I found with the razr was the picture quality; no matter what setting I changed it to, unless I was out in bright natural light, pictures were always grainy and part of the picture was always ever so slightly out of focus, very annoying.
I am glad most of you agree with our evaluation of both phones. I am still glad I have replaced the RAZR with the Samsung Galaxy S2 LTE which was my original choice till the RAZR came out and all the Ads online went crazy about how thin and flash its cover was. I believe Moto have to fix the battery problem quite fast or maybe release a RAZR 2 with a better battery and free replacement.
Hey Tony the Galaxy SII LTE is better and the battery is great