Find out what coming up with the new kernel of Windows Server 2008 by reading below:
* To begin with, WS2008 is the last version of windows that will supports 32 bits. The R2 version of Windows Server 2008 will only be compatible with 64-bit hardware, so get ready!!!! So this is the first time for Microsoft, where it forces the transition to a new architecture abandoning the older one.
* Second the technology of HotPlug PCI Express adopted in the new kernel will allow the addition and replacement of hot swap graphics card, memory and processor while the system is up and running.
* WHEA (Windows Hardware Error Architecture) is the new reporting system error standardized equipment, WS2008 implemented it in order for MS to spend more hours to find out who is involved in a crash of the machine in cases of hardware problems.
* The big novelty of Windows 2008 is the hypervisor Hyper-V. A hypervisor is a system that allows virtualization to host multiple virtual operating systems per host. You may be familiar with VMWare ESX, and the difference is that Microsoft Hyper-V contains no driver, trying to make it more secure, more stableā¦
* Without going into too much technical detail in Windows Server 2003, the distribution of quantums time for threads was very poorly managed, in WS2008, the time calculations are made more with the time switch threads but over CPU time. This improvement will be present in WS2008 and Windows Vista SP1.
* Another large improvement, is the level of control for users quotas. Now, administrators can set quotas for resources for each user, for example, a quota for CPU utilization. Attention, quotas are not well documented by Microsoft.
* In order to avoid the sudden reboots of servers, Microsoft has implemented a background service who performs an audit of hard disk (command chdsk) when a file or folder is reported as corrupt. It will run auto-repair for that NTFS partitions.
* The protocol SMB (Server Message Block) undergoes a small face-lift on Vista SP1 and WS2008 and released as SMB2. On the menu of news, the possibility of creating symbolic links NTFS client side, then the exchange of packets between the client and server is now a lot better to reduce the number of going back. Finally, it is also possible to enlarge the size of the buffer which was predetermined before.
* Windows 2008 New Kernel introduces a new random core addressing system (ASLR Address Space Load Randomization), which no longer allows to have the DLLs to the same addresses remembered for all computers which can reduce the risk of viruses or worms that use it addresses Fixed to load the computer malware that could spread throughout a network.
* KTM (Kernel Transaction Manager) allows transactional access to the registry and other resources of the machine. This avoids the corruption of a part of the registry during a program crash. This is the same transaction system on databases like SQL Server.
There are still plenty of news that we can not discuss here because of its complexity for this article.
A trial version of Windows Server 2008 is available on the Microsoft site. So try it out your self.